A recurring theme in improvised (and not so improvised) character names in the Grub are funny names beginning with 'G'. These are more frequently used by Greg and Ben rather than Eddo.
Some include:
- Greb
- Grendst (one of the Greatest Aussie Batsmen)
- Grib
- Gribbs (featured artist on Goo Goo Ga Ga track)
- Grent (waiter in the Cubed Restaurant Sketch)
- Grorbert
- Greebus (Ben's assumed name when pranking Lloyd Langford in Episode 45)
- Grex77
- Grevin (from the Tyson Reilly 'professional complainer' interview)
- Grerbert (from the Triplets’ 18th Birthday Sketch)
- Grizzlesquids
- Greavane (student from the School Assembly episode)
- Gween